July 2016

This is an acute rickettsial disease of ruminants south of the sahara. It is caused by Cowdria ruminantium and transmitted by at least 5 species of Amblyoma. The name is derived from the frequent occurrence of the hydropericardium. The clinical disease is characterized by fever and nervous signs.
Heart water is caused by rickettsia, Cowdria ruminantium. It occurs in closed packed colonies in endothelial cells of blood vessels in various organs. Multiplication of the organism appears to be by binary fission. It has been suggested that cowdria may arise at first in the reticulo-endothelial cells of lymphnodes before invading endothelial cells of the blood vessels and the organism has been reported to occur in various other cell types including macrophages, monocytes and cells of renal tubules. Although animal invasion shows that the organism occurs in blood smears.
Heart water has been reported from several countries in Africa, south of the Sahara but in most areas, little is known about the incidence of the infection. The potential and possibly natural distribution of heart water covers at least that of the tick vectors, Amblyoma such as Amblyoma herbraeum, Amblyoma variegatum, Amblyoma pomposum, Amblyoma gemma and Amblyoma lepidum. These ticks occupy most of Africa south of Sahara and Madagascar and other offline Irelands.
Apart from cattle, other domestic ruminants like sheep, goat and avian, buffalo are susceptible to infection and the disease is in fact as important for sheep and goat as it is for cattle. Some species of African antelopes and European deer have been shown to be susceptible to experimental infection. Other susceptible animals are Eland and spring buck.
There is no doubt that heart water occurs only in Africa. It is apparent that natural reservoirs of the disease are undoubtedly wild African ruminants. Domestic ruminants suffice to maintain the disease at high level as is the case in Madagascar where wild ruminants are not existed. Five species of Amblyoma have been shown experimentally to be able to transmit Cowdria rumunantium. Recently, it has been demonstrated in Zimbabwe that elephant tick called Amblyoma tholloni is an experimental vector. Laboratory transmission of heart water by American tick, Amblyoma maculatum has been reported. It is believed that dissemination is only transtadial so that infected larva is free of infection. Transovarian transmission has been shown in one conclusive experiment in South Africa. The later transmission is probably infrequent. A larva feeding on infective ruminant is able to transmit the disease, not only in the next instar, the nymph but it is still infective in the adult stage. On the other hand, as the larva commonly feeds on non-susceptible animal, it is often the nymph which first gets infection and in that case, only the adult transmit the disease. As is in the case with other tick borne diseases, infected ticks do not start to transmit the disease immediately upon attachment. They usually feed for some time before transmission occurs. In heart water, this is said to be about 24 hours while in theleriosis and babesiosis, it is a matter of days. Artificial transmission is possible by means of blood and tissues of infected animals.
It is unanimously agreed that intravenous infection is necessary for successful transmission. Subcutaneous route of infection was achieved in brain tissue material obtained from infected animal. Calves even of highly susceptible stocks are relatively resistant to the disease for 2-3 weeks after birth. This resistance is independent of the immune status of the dam. Some calves infected throughout this period recover but as majority are not infected until later after the age, resistance (immunity) is lost. A state of endemic stability without apparent disease does not exist. In endemic regions, cattle usually suffer little mortality. A considerable degree of innate resistance presumably has been acquired through long natural selection. Where the vector population is low by acaricidal or unfavorable ecological factors, sporadic cases of heart water may occur with long intervals of seeming absence of disease. It has been reported that infection can be maintained in fasting adults for 15 months. The disease may be carried over long distances and reintroduced into pastures by nymphs or birds. If infection was acquired in larval stage, heart water occurs throughout the year but its incidence may reduce during dry season in countries with pronounced seasonal climatic changes which influence seasonal activity of different stages of the vector.
Clinical signs
Clinical reactions may be peracute, acute or subacute. Peracute cases exhibit sudden high fever, collapse and death in convulsion. Acute cases are manifested by fever and signs of nervous disturbance. Acute cases start with sudden high fever, nervous symptoms like staggering, drunken gait, cycling movement, abnormal postures, twitching of eyelid, frequent sticking out of the tongue, haggard facial expression, tremors of individual muscles which can often be provoked by touching the animal or by noise. Pregnant animals may abort. Finally, the animal may collapse in convulsion and with paddling movement of the limbs and frequently nystagmus, opisthtonus and chewing movement of the mouth. There may be profuse fetid diarrhea. Finally, death follows. Before dying, the animal may pass bloody faeces. In subclinical cases, there is transient or mild fever and sometimes diarrhea.
This is done by microscopic detection of the organism in brain cortex, capillaries obtained by biopsy or inoculating blood from affected animal into susceptible ruminant.
The organism can be demonstrated after death in brain smears stained with methylene blue.
Differential diagnosis
Nervous symptoms or disorders may stimulate diseases such as rabies, cerebral babesiosis, hypomagnesemic tetany, tetanus, strychnine poisoning .
Haemorrhagic diarrhea is found in coccidiosis, hay fever and sudden death in peracute case of anthrax, high fever in foot and mouth disease, rinderpest, trypanosomosis, babesiosis and anaplasmosis.
Prevention and control
Disease transmission can be prevented by vector control. Amblyoma species are three host ticks and each stages remains on host for relatively short period. These ticks are less susceptible to most acaricides than Boophilus.
Frequent acaricidal treatment is necessary to prevent disease transmission as transmission may start within a day after tick attachment.
Dipping or spraying would have to be carried out at least every 3 days. If the acaricide used has a residual activity of 2 days, effective weekly acaricidal treatment will often bring disease incidence to low level. There is no effective vaccine for heart water disease prevention. The method adopted in some countries is to infect and treat. This involves infection intravenously of infective blood into animal to be vaccinated. The temperatures of the infected animals are taken regularly. Animals are then treated with tetracycline as soon as fever occurs. Antibiotics of tetracycline group are active in curing heart water in early stage. Oxytetracycline and clortetracycline have been found effective. Two therapies on consecutive days give a better result than only one treatment.
Suspension formulations administered intramuscularly areknown to give better results in small ruminants than soluble ones. This is possible because their actions are more durable. Sulfonamides possess chemotherapeutic activity against heart water disease but even less than that of tetracycline so that they are now being abandoned. Because of the presence of satisfactory strain of immunization and treatment, introduction of susceptible exotic animals into heart water disease areas must be strongly advised against. The importation can only be done where there is strict efficient acaricidal control.

Since ancient history, women have worn cosmetics to enhance the appearance of their eyes. Most people who wear eye make-up never have a problem related to make-up use. Some women can however, develop an infection, allergic reaction or injury of the eye or eyelids. These problems can range from minor annoyance such as tearing of the eye, to visual loss or even blindness.
Who has problem with eye make-up?
Contact lens wearers and people with allergies or sensitive skin are likely to confront problems while using eye cosmetics. However, anyone who wears eye make-up should be aware of basic safety tips to help prevent injury or infection.
What problems can occur?
The most serious problem associated with eye make-up has to do with injury to the cornea (the clear front surface of the eye), often during application of the cosmetics. A mascara or eyeliner wand or a fingernail can scratch the cornea (corneal abrasion or injury). Sometimes, a corneal injury can become infected leading to a potentially blinding ulcer. Corneal injuries are painful and always demand prompt medical attention. Allergic reaction such as itching, tearing and redness of the eye or swelling and flaking of the eyelids can also be exhibited. If some women are sensitive to water-proof mascara, they may have lesser problem with a water-based product (one that washes off with water). However, if they go on to have problems after changing products, the cause may not be an allergy. The problem could be caused by blepharitis, a chronic inflammation of the eyelids.
Safety tips to using eye cosmetics
Wash your hands before putting on your eye make-up.
Keep eyeliner pencils sharpened so that the rough wood casing won’t scratch the eye or eyelid. As the pencil gets to be old, the liner tip becomes firm, requiring more pressure to apply.
Replace your eye make-up every 5-6 months (more often if you can, wear contact lenses) to avoid excess contamination with skin bacteria.
Never share your make-up or applicator or brushes with anyone. Don’t try eye make-up tester in a store instead, test it by putting it on the back of your hand with a clean cotton swab.
After any eye infection such as conjunctivitis, buy fresh eye make-up.
Don’t use make-up labeled natural or preservatives, get hypo-allergic products.
Never apply eye make-up while in a moving vehicle. You may unexpectedly stick the applicator into the eyes during a sudden bump or stop.
Do not share your eye make-up with others. Each person has different skin bacteria. If you contaminate your cosmetics with another individual’s bacteria, you may get an infection. Infection is inevitable if you do so.
Never use saliva to thin old or clumped make-up or to wet a mascara wand. Saliva contains bacteria from the mouth.
Check with your eye doctor (optometrist) right away. If you contact infection on your eye or eyelid, throw out the eye make-up you have been using. Don’t use any other eye make-up until the infection is gone.
Are there special concerns for contact lens wearers?
People who wear contact lens are susceptible to corneal injuries or corneal ulcers if they have poorly fitting lenses or get dust specks under the lens. Some simple preventive measures can reduce the likelihood of contamination.
Insert contact lens before applying make-up and take them out prior to removing make-up. Always wash your hands before touching your contact lens.
Apply make-up less heavily close to the eye, for example, mascara should only be smeared on the tip of the eye lashes.
Avoid using cosmetics like thickening mascaras and metallic-sheen eye shadow which contain particles that can peel off into the eye. If the particles get in the space separating the contact lens and corneal surface, they can scratch the cornea and may lead to infection.
In conclusion, eye make-up is great and enhances your beauty with no side effects when hygienically applied.

Lumpy skin disease is divided into two types:
Neethling type is a true lumpy skin disease.
Allerton type is a false lumpy skin disease.
This is not separate from sheep pox virus. It is identical to sheep pox virus. It is transmitted by flies. Although it is mild in indigenous cattle, it is severe in exotic cattle. Neethling type was first recognized in South Africa. It is now found to be a disease problem. It is also found in East Africa and Zaire. It has long incubation period of 2-4 weeks. Generally, it is a sporadic disease. Peracute form may kill the animal within 10 days without showing lesions. Lesions when they occur are generalized over the body.
Clinical signs include respiratory distress and pneumonia signs. In very severe case, fever occurs with depression, ocular and nasal discharges. Temperature may drop and shoot up again. Intra-dermal nodules vary in size from 1-5cm in diameter. They differ in size in different animals. There is lymphnode enlargement. The nodules are painful. Other signs are pain all over the body, necrosis of the nodules and sloughing off of the skin. Secondary bacterial infection may set in. in South Africa, attenuated vaccine is used to control the disease. In other parts of the world, no specific drugs are used for neethling type.
Allerton type is a simple disease caused by Herpes virus infection. There is a short incubation period. Skin nodules appear. More severely affected animals develop mild fever and it clears off in about 2 weeks.

This is a viral disease of cattle. If it is acute, very few animals die of it. It last for a few days. The disease has been recognized in Africa, Asia and slightly in Australia. It is transmitted by culicoides, midges and sandflies. There is a seasonal occurrence of the disease. It does not occur every year. Infected animals develop immunity lasting for several years. Insect activity plays very important role in epidemiology. The disease can be a big problem in an area in one year and does not show up again until after about five years. It is a cyclic type of disease and not specifically seasonal. Morbidity rate in exotic breeds is greater than that in indigenous breeds. In some cases, this may approach 100%. The disease may be seen in all ages of animal but more severe in adult cattle. Incubation period varies from 2-10 days and in experimental cases 2-50 days.
Clinical signs
There is oculonasal discharge. There is no erosions, ulcers or nostril blockage. There is high fever because temperature shoots up to 105oF-107oF.
Affected animals are slightly bright despite the high temperature. They are not totally depressed. At the end of the first day, animals are reluctant to work because of severe muscle and joint pains. This is transient. On the second day, the animal is recumbent and reluctant to stand up. There is enlargement of lymphnodes such as prescapular and femoral lymphnodes. On the third day, the animal rises again from recumbency. Milking cows stop milking on second day.
In severe cases, it appears to be inability to swallow. Death can occur if you try to give the animals water. They die of inhalation pneumonia. There is neutrophilia in this disease.
This is based on clinical signs and recovery on third day.
Vaccination control depends on the economics of the operation.
There is no treatment.
For recumbent animals, try to make them stand. Advice farmers to tie the animals up to stand.

This is a viral disease of sheep characterized by fever and generalized pocks.
Two types of viruses are incriminated. The viruses are not well defined. One of the viruses is believed to be specific for sheep while the other one affects sheep and goat.
It is endemic in southern Asia, Africa, north of equator and parts of Asia like India, Iran and neighboring countries.
The virus specific for sheep occurs when there is direct contact between sick and healthy sheep. Infected dust helps in disease spread. Some virus strains affecting sheep and goats are spread by arthropods. Intrauterine infection occurs. Lambs have been born with pocks lesions.
Clinical signs
Clinical reactions may be peracute, acute or subacute. Peracute infections are seen in indigenous lambs and exotic sheep brought into endemic areas. It is characterized by generalized haemorrhages while spreading cutaneous ulceration and death before pocks develop.
In acute disease, there is fever, ocular and nasal discharge, salivation, papules emerge on mucous membrane and thin skin areas of the body.
Papules are crusted with exudates.
Crusts become scabs and darken. Irritation is intense and self mutilation is common. Death can occur at any stage after the appearance of pocks. Healing of lesion results in permanent scar formation.
Subacute reactions are characterized by low grade fever and lesions appear on restricted areas like head and under the tail.
This is based on history, clinical signs and post-mortem lesions.
It is also diagnosed using agar gel diffusion test.
Differential diagnosis
Cutaneous streptotricosis
Blue tongue
Each type of virus induces durable active immunity in surviving animals but there is no cross protection between the two major types.
Live and inactivated vaccines are available. The former is administered by scarification and produces immunity for a long time. The later vaccine produces immunity that last for about a year.
For free areas, ensure their freedom from sheep pox by not importing sheep and goat from endemic areas.
Destruction of infected sheep and goat and vaccination of in-contact sheep and goat is necessary. In endemic areas,  it is recommendable to vaccinate regularly.
Systemic antibiotic therapy should be administered.
Keep the animals warm in clean environment.

The malignant poxes of goats which include goat dermatitis or stone pox are characterized by fever and generalized nodular pocks.
It is caused by virus. The organisms involved are ill-defined.
Goat pox is endemic in Africa, Asia and Europe where good number of goats are found. It has been reported from Australia and Paraguay South America. Goat dermatitis is found in India and South East Asia.
Species affected
Three viruses are involved in development of goat pox and two of the viruses appear to affect only goats. The third affect sheep and goats.
One of the viruses affecting only goats is spread by direct and indirect contact. The others appear to be transmitted by arthropod. The virus affecting sheep and goat is spread by arthropod but the vectors are not known.
Clinical signs
General malaise
Lacrimation and rhinorrhea
There is papule formation in the skin and mucous membrane. They harden and thicken into circumscribed nodules. Some become unbilicated and exude. The exudates dry to form crust.
Others necrosed and shade leaving shallow ulcers which rapidly encrust.
Irritation can be enormous and self inflicted mutilation is common.
Crust persists for 3-4 weeks and drop off leaving permanent scars.
This is based on history, clinical signs and lesions.
Biopsy of crusts is examined using electron microscope.
it is also based on isolation and recognition of the virus.
Recovered goats are probably immuned forever. Vaccines both inactivated and attenuated are available.
It can be controlled by prophylactic vaccination.

Orf is a benign pox of sheep and goat characterized by formation of centrifugally distributed exuding proliferative lesions. In lambs and kids, the lesions are commonly found on lips and muzzle and in ewes, the teats.
It is caused by parapox virus. The disease is found all over the world.
Species affected
It affects domestic sheep and goats. Man is infected accidentally. It has been observed in dogs fed affected unskeamed carcasses.
The disease is very contagious.
Clinical signs
The natural disease is proliferative and after a few days of incubation period, papules appear, enlarge and exude. This is followed by crust formation. The scabs are firmly adhered. The scabs fall of 3-5 weeks leaving white scar of new epithelium. There is no fever in this disease. The scabs are centrifugally distributed. In lambs and kids, the lesions cluster around the lips, muzzle and lower limbs. In sucking lambs, tooth eruption may favour development of oral lesions which spread to lips, muzzle. Lesions may also develop at castration and docking site. Outbreaks of induced balanoposthitis and vulvitis can also occur. Mastitis may occur when the teat are infected. The disease is rarely fatal but can cause significant loss in condition when the lesions make feeding very difficult.
This is based on clinical signs, isolation and recognition of the virus.
It can be diagnosed using immunodiffusion test.
Differential diagnosis
Blue tongue
Labial streptotricosis
Foot and mouth disease
Animals that are recovered possess circulatory antiboby passed to the young in the colostrum. Majority of infected animals are able to resist the infection if re-exposed.
Prevention and control
Orf appears to be endemic in most flocks. Prevention is difficult. Live vaccines are commercially available. Antibody therapy, removal of scabs and application of antibiotic cream or iodine or antibiotic ointment is necessary.
Systemic antibiotic can be given to animals.

Hepatitis is defined as the inflammation of the liver caused by virus, toxic substances or immunological disorders. Infectious hepatitis is caused by viruses several of which have been isolated as specific causes of the disease and be detected by blood tests. Including hepatitis A, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, hepatitis D and hepatitis E. other viral causes of hepatitis include the Rubella virus, Herpes simplex virus, Epstein Barr virus etc.
Hepatitis A (endemic infectious hepatitis)
Hepatitis A (infectious) is transmitted by a carrier or patient through food or drink contaminated by them and it commonly occurs where sanitation is poor. After an incubation period of 14-40 days, the patient develops fever (high body temperature) and illness. Yellow discoloration of the skin appears for about a week and persists up to 3 weeks. Active immunization is an effective preventive measure.
Hepatitis B (serum hepatitis)
It is transmitted by infected blood, by sexual contact, by contaminated hypodermic needles, blood transfusion, tattooing needles or by contact with other body fluids (milk sweat). Symptoms develop suddenly after an incubation period of 1-6 months and they include chills, headache, fever, general weakness and jaundice. Most patients make a gradual recovery but mortality rate is 5-2%. A vaccine is available for cure.
Hepatitis C (non A, non B)
This is usually referred to as non A, non B hepatitis. Its transfusion mode is similar to that of hepatitis B. symptoms include sore bones, fatigue and dryness of eyes.
Hepatitis D
Hepatitis D virus is a defective virus and occurs only with or after infection with hepatitis B. patients with hepatitis D virus usually have severe chronic/acute hepatitis.
Hepatitis E (enterically transmitted)
It is transmitted by contaminated food and drinks and can cause acute hepatitis.
Hepatitis G and F viruses
Hepatitis G is a recently identified flavi virus, structurally related to HCV. It can be transmitted in blood and blood products. It is not known whether it can cause liver disease.
Hepatitis F is yet to be identified but it may be a cause of non A, non B, non C hepatitis.

Love milk but cannot just eat it?
Do you have stomach upset after you drink milk or does your stomach agitate? Do you have diarrhea right away? If so, you may be lactose intolerant.
What is lactose intolerance?
Lactose is a disaccharide found in milk and other milk products containing glucose and galactose units. Lactose intolerance is therefore the inability or insufficient ability to digest lactose and it is caused by a deficiency of the enzyme (chemicals in the body that help digestion) called lactase. This lactase is produced by the cells lining the small intestine. Lactase breaks down lactose into two simple forms of sugar called glucose and galactose, which are then absorbed into the blood stream.
Is lactose intolerance same with milk allergy?
People sometimes confuse lactose intolerance with cow milk allergy. Kavita Dada (pharm. D), a senior health improvement officer in the food and drug administration’s division of drug information said that lactose intolerance is not the same as a milk allergy. As earlier elucidated, lactose intolerance is the inability or insufficient ability to digest milk which results with a discomfort after consumption of milk or its products while milk allergy is a reaction by the body’s immune system to milk proteins and can be life-threatening when a small quantity of milk or milk product is ingested. Milk allergy most frequently appears in the first year of life while lactose intolerance takes place usually in adulthood.
Causes of lactose intolerance
The cause of lactose intolerance is best explained by describing how a person develops lactose deficiency.
Primary lactose deficiency: This develops over time and commences after about two years when the body starts to produce less lactose. Most children who have lactose insufficiency do not encounter symptoms of lactose intolerance just before late adolescence or adulthood.
Secondary lactose deficiency: This results from injury to the small intestine that takes place with severe celiac disease, diarrhea illness, crohn’s disease or chemotherapy. This type of lactose deficiency can occur at any age but is more common in infancy.
Who is susceptible to lactose intolerance?
Lactose intolerance is a frequent condition which is more likely to arise in adulthood with a higher incidence in older adults. It is more common in some ethnic groups than others. The national centre of diabetes, digestive and kidney diseases estimated that 90% of Asian Americans and up to 75% of adult African Americans and indigenous Americans are lactose intolerant. As people grow old, their bodies produce fewer lactase enzymes, therefore most people do not have symptoms until they are adults.
It is important to state that lactose intolerance can be passed down to children from parents. Lactose intolerance is very uncommon in children less than two years of age, unless the child has a lactose deficiency because of a lesion to the small intestine.
Manifestations of lactose intolerance
When there is not adequate lactase to digest the lactose in the foods an individual eats or drinks, the person may have the following manifested symptoms:
Stomach cramps
These symptoms typically happen in less than 30 minutes to 2 hours after ingesting food containing lactose. Some sicknesses or disorders can cause the same problems but a health care professional can do tests to see if the problems are caused by lactose intolerance or by another condition.
Diagnosis of lactose intolerance
Lactose intolerance can be difficult to diagnose based on symptoms alone. People may think that they suffer from lactose intolerance because they have digestive symptoms, in spite of that, other disorder like irritable bowel syndrome can cause similar symptoms.
After taking a medical history and performing a physical and clinical examination, the physician may first recommend eliminating all milk and milk products from the individual’s diet for a short period to know if the symptoms resolve. Tests may be necessary to provide more information.
Two tests are employed to measure the digestion of lactose. They are hydrogen breath test and stool acidity test.
Hydrogen breath test
The person drinks a lactose-loaded beverage and then the breath is analyzed at consistent intermissions to measure the quantity of hydrogen. Naturally, very little hydrogen is detectable in the breath but undigested lactose produces excess amounts of hydrogen.
Cigarette smoking, some foods and medications may affect the accuracy of the results.
Faeces (stool) acidity test
This test is used for infants and young children to measure the amount of acid in the feces. Undigested lactose produces lactic acid and other fatty acids which can be detectable in a fecal sample. Glucose may also be present in the stool due to undigested lactose.
Note that, because lactose intolerance is uncommon in infants and kids less than 2 years, a health professional should take special care in determining the cause of a child’s digestive symptoms.
Management of lactose intolerance
There is no treatment to make the body produce more lactose enzymes although the symptoms of lactose intolerance can be kept in check through diet. Most older children and adults do not have to absolutely avoid lactose. People have various levels of tolerance to lactose. Some people might have a very small quantity of milk in a cup of tea with little or no discomfort. Others have reactions that are so bad they totally stop drinking milk. Some people who cannot drink milk may eat cheese and yoghurt (that contain less lactose than milk) without having any problem. They may also consume a lactose-containing product in smaller amounts at any time.

Never feel that you have to elucidate who you are or defend who you are or act in a way that pleases other people if you must dishonor yourself to do so.
 Just be who you are and lack nothing.
Do not envy anybody.
Everybody has a unique talent.
Improve that one thing (potentials and talents) and make it outstanding.
Identify yourself with people of good virtue, quality and character if you respect your reputation, for it is better to be alone than to be with bad companies.
When you look into your eyes in a mirror every morning, tell yourself;
I am joy
I am love
I am happy
I am free
More important, I am free.
To love yourself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Tooth decay can also be referred to as dental caries. Dental caries can be defined as a post eruptive pathological condition of external origin that leads to the decalcification of hard tissues (teeth).
Tooth decay is a common disorder second only to common cold. It usually occurs in children and young adults but can affect any person. Tooth decay is a typical cause of tooth loss in younger people. Bacteria are normally found in the mouth. The bacteria change foods particularly starch and sugar to acids. Bacteria, acids, food pieces and saliva combine in the mouth to create a sticky substance known as plaque. Plaque sticks to the teeth. It is most common above the gums line on teeth, on the back molars and at the edges of fillings. Plaque that is not removed from the teeth turns into a substance called tarta. Plaque tarta irritates the gums, resulting in gingivitis and periodontitis. Plaque starts to build up on teeth in less than 20 minutes after eating. If it is not removed, teeth decay begins.
The acid in plaque damages the enamel covering the teeth and creates holes in the tooth (cavities).
Cavities usually do not hurt, unless they grow large and cause a tooth fracture or affect nerves.
Untreated cavity can lead to tooth abscess. Untreated tooth decay also decays the inside of the tooth (pulp), which leads to tooth loss.
Carbohydrates (sugar and starches) increase the likelihood of tooth decay. Sticky foods are more harmful than non-sticky foods because they remain on the teeth. Continual snacking raises the time that acids are in contact with the surface of the tooth.
There may be no symptoms. If symptoms manifest, they may include:
Tooth pain or achy feelings, particularly after sweet, hot or cold foods or drinks.
Visible pits and holes in the teeth which harbors germs
Examinations and tests
Most cavities are found in the early stages in the course of routine dental check-ups. A dental examination may exhibit that the surface of the tooth is soft.
Dental x-rays may exhibit some cavities before they are visible to the eye.
Treatment can aid prevent tooth damage from resulting in cavities. Treatment may involve filling the cavities, crowns; Root carnal treatment.
Oral hygiene is necessary to prevent cavities. This consists of regular professional cleaning (2 times yearly), brushing at least 2 times daily and flossing at least daily. Chewing sticky foods are best if eaten as part of a meal instead of as a snack. If possible, brush or rinse the mouth with water after eating the food.
Flomide is often suggested to safeguard against dental caries.
Dental sealants can prevent some cavities.

A 30 years old man accompanied by his 21 years old lover had walked to the clinic concerned about their health status. The young man had been having discharge from the penis in the last two weeks and he had been on several treatments all to no avail. After examination and investigations, it became clear that he was sexually infected. There are whole lot of people (male and female) that have at one time or the other encountered such and are still very rampant among the youths. Examinations and investigations were carried on the female lover as well and found out that she has been living with sexually transmitted infections secretly.
Sexually transmitted infection is a spectrum of disease that can be transmitted through sexual intercourse. It is also called venereal disease or toilet disease. Venereal or toilet diseases are used in various ways to replace sexually transmitted infections in literatures.
Means of contacting sexually transmitted infections
Sexual intercourse
Poor hygiene from toilet

Menopause is the perpetual discontinuation of menstruation and fertility in a woman aged between 45-47 years. It occurs when a woman does not menstruate for a period of at least one year without being pregnant. Menopause is derived from the greek word MENO (month) and PAUSES (discontinuation). It is a natural ageing and not a medical illness.
Menopause taking place after surgical removal of the ovaries or damage of ovaries by medical treatment such as radiation or chemotherapy is called induced menopause. The peri-menopause is the transitional period lasting up to 10 years from having normal menstrual period to no period at all.
Menopause occurs when the ovaries stop responding to certain hormones from the brain and the eggs stop maturing regularly. There is a drop in the level of estrogen and progesterone. It is the fall of these hormones levels that causes the symptom of menopause. Menopause usually happens gradually. It is commonly divided into two stages as follows:
This is the time a woman begins to experience menopausal signs and symptoms even though she still menstruates. It lasts 4-5 years or longer.
Once 12 months have passed after the last period, a woman has reached menopause. The following years are called post-menopausal years.
Although some women have no symptoms except for the ending of their periods, most women have some other symptoms such as the following:
Reduced fertility
Irregular periods
Mood swing
Loss of breast fullness
Vaginal dryness
Pain during intercourse
Hot flushes
Sleep disturbance
Dry skin and hair
Urinary symptoms such as urinary incontinence and increased frequency of urinary infection.
Health problems and complications
The reduced estrogen level that takes place during menopause can result in long term health defects such as the following:
Urinary incontinence
Weight gain: This increases risk of cardiovascular disease.
Osteoporosis:This means reduction in bone density leading to fractures.
Cardiovascular diseases.
Menopause requires no treatment instead focus on relieving the signs and symptoms
Hormone replacement therapy: This involves using estrogen alone or the combination with progesterone to reduce risk of cancer.
Benefit of hormone replacement therapy
It provides relief from night sweats, hot flushes and vaginal dryness.
It reduces mood swing.
It maintains vaginal tone
It helps to reduce urinary incontinence.
Biphosphonate is used to treat osteoporosis.
Lifestyle and hormone remedies: This involves the following:
Avoidance of smoking
Eating a well balanced diet that includes vegetables, fruits and whole grains and avoiding sugar, oil and fats is necessary.
Regular medical check-up is important.
Exercise regularly
Optimize sleep.
Menopause is a normal ageing process in the life of a woman and not an illness but a woman should consult a doctor when symptoms start developing.

Laboratory amphibians include leopard frogs, African clawed toads and marine toads.
Not much is known about this class of animal. They are important especially in some schools where they are extensively employed in studying or teaching biology. Good husbandry and adequate feeding are recommended. It is our duty to observe their diseases and document them for future generation study.
This is a bacterial disease found in malnourished amphibians.
It is caused by Aeromonas hydrophila. It is a facultative organism but under poor condition lead to clinical signs. Clinical signs are lethargy, weight loss, ulcers on skin, nose and toes, pinpoint haemorrhages on legs, abdominal tissues and nictitating membrane of the eyes. These clinical signs and lesions are characteristic.
Post-mortem lesions
There are haemorrhages of skeletal muscles, tongue and nictitating membrane.

Watermelon rind is often not talked about when issues of watermelon are discussed. Naturally, the rind acts as a protective covering for the internal fruit as it prevents the sweeter fruit from spoilage. Recent studies have proven that the rind contain extra vitamin C, potassium, fiber caloric and vitamin B6 in small quantities. Though the rind is not as juicy as the fruit itself but can still be consumed for optimal utilization of the fruits. Don’t be hasty. This rind has lots of nutritional and health benefits whether you eat it or use it topically. This often wasted part of this fruit can do lots of good for you, so finding a use for it helps also cut down the amount of garbage you produce in your kitchen.
Research by agricultural research service has discovered the major benefit of watermelon rind. This rind is the natural and richest source of citrulline as reported by Agnes Rimando. Another study carried out on issues of journal chromatography (June, 2005) also proved that citrulline compound in the rind serves a range of medical benefits. Evidence from the journal of science of food and agriculture affirm this often wasted rind is the richest edible natural source of citrulline and it gives an antioxidant effect that protect you from free radical damages. Additionally, citrulline is converted to arginine (the amino acid required for the formation of nitric oxide) which relaxes blood vessels to regulate vascular tone, maintain healthy blood pressure as it contains Viagra, this amino acid (arginine) is also vital to the heart, circulatory system, lymphatic system and immune system. This research affirm that watermelon rind plays an important role in the relaxation of blood vessels and thus plays an active role in treating erectile dysfunction, combating fatigue, cancer, boosting muscle growth and improving wound healing.

When it comes to nutritional facts about what we consume in our daily lives, many people have been educated on various diets including food and skin diet of fruits and vegetables food that have good nutritional value to the body.
Cucumber has become one of the important parts of food diet as well as skin diet with many health benefits which claims to be a water body as it has 90% water. It is known to be a cooling agent due to the water in it, as it can be eaten raw or cooked. Your skin has many other purposes other than being beautiful and serving as an eye candy for everyone. Cucumber has an edible fruit plants referred to as manroot by the North Americans. It protects the internal organs from any of the external adversities as far as possible.
Cucumbers are the most cultivated vegetable in the world and known to be the best foods for the body’s overall health, often referred to as super food. All cucumber belongs to the cucumber plant known as curcbitaceae. This broad family of plant includes squashes and melon. The cucumber was most familiar within the grocery store or our local market belongs to a specific genus/species group Cucumis sativus. There are literally hundreds of different varieties of Cucumis sativus, virtually all can be divided into two different types: pickling and slicing cucumbers.

What is measles?
Measles is a highly contagious viral disease caused by measles virus, a single stranded enveloped RNA virus of the genus morbillivirus and family paramyxoviridae. Humans are the natural host of this virus and it is transmitted when the infected droplets which are sprayed into the air when an infected person sneezes, coughs or talks is inhaled by others.
Disease burden
Measles kills almost 454000 people globally. 410000 of them are children under the age of 5 years (at risk group).
Nigeria accounts for 50% of this global figure. Nigeria is ranked alongside India and Pakistan as the top three nations with the largest burden of measles.
How can measles be identified?
The disease is characterized by cough, fever (high body temperature), eye redness, nasal discharge and spreading rash (maculopapular in nature).
Bright red spots with white speck at the centre (koplik spots) may be seen at the inner cheek region of the mouth. Some children present with weight loss, diarrhea and dehydration.
It is usually supportive and not curative. High body temperature (fever) is managed with anti-pyretics like paracetamol. Aspirin is avoided due to REYES syndrome. Fanning, tepid sponging and exposure can be carried out to reduce temperature.

Before now, a lot of transplants have been known. Think of kidney transplant, liver transplant, heart transplant and even bone marrow transplant, all these are today common surgery processes. But the field of medicine has been known to be ground of surprises. In 1987, Dr Ben Carson, a paediatric neurosurgeon performed the first ever successful separation of Siamese twins that set the world aghast in awe. This amongst others has made the field of medicine a great field. But let us come back to the topic of discussion; human head transplant.
A head transplant is a kind of surgery which requires the grafting of one organism’s head onto the body of another. It should not be confused with another theoretical surgery, the brain transplant. Head transplantation involves decapitating the patient. Although it has been performed successfully using the rat, dog and monkey, no human being is known to have gone through the operation. Seeing that the technology require to re-attach a severed spinal cord has not yet been developed, the subject of head transplant would become quadriplegic unless proper therapies were developed. This technique has been suggested as likely helpful for people who are already quadriplegics and who are also suffering from a widespread organ failure which would otherwise require several distinct and difficult transplant surgeries.
In June 2015, a possible candidate was found. The candidate, a thirty year old Russian, Valery Spindinov suffers from Werdings Hoffman disease, a muscle wasting disorder which seriously reduces his physical capabilities and left him dependent on a wheelchair. He has announced his intention to become the world first subject of a full head transplant, so that his brain can be attached to a healthy body.

To start with, I have a question for you. Do you believe the capacity of your brain determines your being? Do you believe the size of your brain has a direct impact on the capacity of your brain? Do you know you can increase your brain capacity?
It is everybody’s dream to have a great mental capacity. That is why when you as a student hear a compliment like this girl or this boy is very intelligent, you will look around to see this intelligent person. You cannot help but admire the person. If someone walks up to you then and lets you know he can make you exceptionally intelligent, your attention must be drawn.
There is something that can increase your mental capacity, not just intelligence. It is not by magic. They are just something you may have known but ignored. You may have done it but don’t know its importance.
With the recent developments in imaging modalities, neuroscientists have been able to look deeper into the nature of the human brain. They have understood that the number of synapses in the brain directly affects its cognitive function. For every new thing you learn in life, a new synapse is formed between the millions of cells that make up the brain. Conversely, whenever you leave an aspect of your knowledge, the synapse that was formed deteriorates. This is just a direct consequence of disuse atrophy. Disuse atrophy is a term which means that when any part of the body is not well used, that part is wasted. For example, when a boxer fractures his hand, by the end of six months of healing, his hand won’t look any more like that of a boxer. That is also what happens to any part of the brain that is not put to good use. Looking at the above statements, you can tell that the more the synapses between the nerves of your brain, the better your brain capacity. But then, the synapses and the

This is an acute highly contagious viral disease of cattle and also sheep, goat, pigs, camels and buffalos. The disease is characterized by high necrotic stomatitis, gastroentreritis and fever.
This is caused by paramyxovirus which is antigenically related to PPR, canine distemper and human measles virus.
The disease is endemicin tropical Africa and Asia. It has been reported in Middle East.
Transmission is by contact between infected/carrier animals and healthy ones. The virus is present in nasal and oral secretions, urine, faeces and expired air. Infected droplets are inhaled and the virus enters the body through the upper respiratory mucosa. Infection can be acquired by ingestion of contaminated feed and water.
Cattle are susceptible to the disease but also pigs, bufallos, camels, sheep and goats. The later animals are relatively resistant but do not contract the disease in the field. Faeces, urine and discharges from the infected animals are infectious and transmission readily occurs. Close contact of infected and susceptible animals is necessary for transmission; aerosols and insects are most unlikely method of spread. Contaminated premises may be infectious for 6-8 hours after removal of affected animals. Contaminated urine without ventilation or sunlight may remain infective for 96 hours because rinderpest virus is very sensitive to environmental conditions and easily killed by heat and drying and by most disinfectants. After natural infection, animal develop protective immunity for a long time but the immunity is not lifelong. Other infected animals like camels, sheep, goats and bufallos may spread the infection to cattle if they are together.

This is a highly contagious acute febrile disease of cloven footed animals. It is characterized by vesicle formation on the tongue, mouth and in the rumen, teat and mammary gland and feet especially on the margin of the hoof in young animals. Degenerative changes occur in skeletal muscles; also extensive involvement of the cardiac muscle resulting in death. Human infection has been recorded but it is rare.
It is caused by picorna virus (small RNA). There are 7 strains of the virus made of 3 standard or European strain and they are types O, A, C. others are African strains SAT1, SAT2 and SAT3 (sudan African territories type). The 7th strain is the Asian one found in far East. Each strain is made of many substrain which are antigenically different.
Foot and mouth is widely distributed throughout the world and has been reported in almost all countries except Newzealand. The disease is endemic in Philipines, Africa, Europe, South America and Asia. The disease was last reported in USA and Australia about 75 years ago.
Foot and mouth disease virus is found in body fluids, for example, milk, urine, faeces, saliva, blood and semen. The virus is most stable between PH 7.4 and 7.6 and rapidly destroyed by acid or alkali. It survives below 40C and may be stored for many years at temperature below freezing. It is resistant to heat. Most field strains are inactivated by heating at 560C for 30 minutes but a number of laboratory strains have shown ability to resist even 80oC for several hours. The disease spreads extremely readily when atypical type of virus appears in an area which it has not been affected before and so spread proceeds very rapidly. In the tropics, it is likely that spread takes place mainly by direct contact between animals. All formites are infective and contaminate the environment of an infected animal. Airborne spread can take place in temperate countries over considerable distances. In the tropics, airborne spread is likely to be limited to the night time when humidity is high. Since the virus can survive on material commonly found close to the animals like hair, straw, water and feed. Movement of material can lead to spread of the disease.

Some people have witnessed the lows of depression. They have known the terrors of delusion and paranoia and have felt the itchiness of anxiety. In every instance, some people know they need to calm down. Most times this implies going home, drawing the covers up and putting on soft music. It is becoming something completely natural that music quenches ablaze fire in the emotion/minds and leaves the soul with a new pleasant flame. Music is something magical. It is a kind of healing for life’s emotional wounds. It might be a remiss in talking about coping techniques if music is not mentioned.
The crazy thing about music is that there’s so much out there that there’s literally something for every mood imaginable. There is music to an ethereal state, there’s music to pump you up and there’s music that simply serves to take away silence. With music, it is possible to open a door in the heart of the listener.
Everyone has a favorite song or artiste and it is no surprise that liking the same music can be a topic of conversation and a tool of connection. Personalities can even be determined by the type of music people listen to. There are so many facets of personalization that come from music that it is no surprise that music can be as contentious as politics or religion. It is different for everybody.
Some people like to get amped up, some like to quiet down, others like calm music that can ease the wounds of schizophrenia.
Some people also like hip-hop music with rhythmical drive of dancing. They can’t count the number of times they have been overwhelmed by the world that the first thing they do when they go home is put on some music to calm their nerves and bring them into a more peaceful state.
Hundreds of studies have been carried out on the healing power of calm music and it is for good reason. It is soothing, in a way unlike pretty much anything else imaginable. It is transformative.

This is a viral infection of sheep and occasionally goats and cattle but mild infection. At least 16 strains of the virus are known. Disease is transmitted by culicoides. Disease is non-contagious and characterized by congestion of the hoof tissues, nasal and oral mucosae and and stiffness arising from muscle degeneration.
Disease is endemic in many African countries like Tanzania, Morocco, South Africa, Sudan, Chad, Nigeria, Central African Republic, Zimbabwe and Kenya. Other affected countries are Cyprus, Middle East, USA and Spain.
Clinical signs
There is rise in body temperature which may be sudden or gradual. Temperature may fluctuate for a number of days. High temperature is ensued by hyperaemia of the nasal and buccal mucosae.
Later, it is accompanied by salivation and frothing at the mouth caused by peculiar and persistent licking movement of the tongue. The frothing around the lips is followed by appearance of watery discharge from the nostrils which become more prolific, mucocatarrhal and mixed with blood. Later on, the lips and tongue swell, the face only to a variable extent. The color deepens and small petechial haemorrhages appear on the mucous membrane of the mouth, muzzle and conjunctiva. This discoloration may deepen to an almost purplish blue from which the appearance of the tongue give rise to the description of the disease.
The lips or muzzle epithelium thicken and shade off. More severe changes may be observed in mouth where the gum, cheeks and tongue mucosae ulcerate leaving exposed irregular and haemorrhagic surface. As a result, saliva becomes mixed with blood and has the most offensive odour because of the presence of necrotic tissue. In a mean time, the nasal discharge has become purulent and dries leaving a crust around the nostrils.

This is a rinderpest-like viral disease of small ruminants like goats and sheep. Goats are more susceptible than sheep. The dwarf breeds of goats and red sokoto goats are known to be very susceptible to the infection. The disease is found in West Africa although it has been reported in the Middle East.
The disease is caused by RNA virus belonging to the genus Morbillivirus. Morbilli means measles and the family paramyxoviridae. The virus is antigenically related to rinderpest, human measles and canine distemper virus.
The disease is endemic in West Africa. It has been reported in the Middle East.
The mode of transmission is by aerosols. Infection spreads readily when healthy and infected animals are in close contact. It is also possible by ingestion of contaminated food and water.
Clinical signs
The following are the clinical signs:
Serous nasal discharge which later becomes mucopurulent
Erosions/ulcers in mouth; oral scabs
Coughing and fast breathing due to secondary pneumonia
Increased salivation
Emaciation and dehydration
Severe diarrhea

Do you read till daybreak with your eyes fixed on your book? Do you sleep barely for 5 hours at night? Would you love to wear spectacles by the time you are 45 or 50 years? Do you really care about your eyes and vision?
The study below on the delicate part of the body will expose:
Certain harmful practices done against the eye
Certain eye defects you knew little or nothing about. An example is cataracts.
How to prevent computer, laptops, television and even your smartphone screens from damaging your eyes.
Measures to take to prevent eye issues up to 70 years and beyond
The eye and nutrition.
Brief description of the eye connection
The eyes are at work from the time you wake up to the time you close them for sleep. They take in tons of information about the world around you: shapes, colours, moments, creatures and more than that, they send the information to your brain for processing so the brain knows what is going on outside of the body.
The eye is about as big as a tennis ball and sits in a little eye socket in the skull (a bone framework enclosing the brain). The front part of the eye is protected by the eyelid. It helps keep the eyes moist and clean by blinking a number of times a minute. This is both a voluntary and involuntary action. The eyelashes work with eyelids to keep dirt and other unwanted stuff out of the eyes. The white part of the eyeball is called sclera. It is made of tough material and has the relevant role of covering most of the eyeball.
The cornea is a transparent dome, present ahead of the colored part of the eye. The cornea aids the light focus as light makes its way through. Behind the cornea is the iris which is the colourful part of the eye. When we say a person has blue eyes, this means the person has blue iris. The pupil, an opening in the iris help hits the lens. The lens sits behind the iris and is clear and colourless. Its function is to concentrate light beams on the back of the eyeball, a part called the retina.

Potential comes from two base words; potency and potent. It simply refers to all the things one can be successful at if he or she develops and uses their gifts, talents and natural abilities. Where actually lies our potentials? This question is multifaceted and poses a lot of uncertain answers. Our contemporary age seems to have lost sight of the true meaning of existence on earth. Have you been able to locate and unleash the potentials in you? Do you find it difficult to accept your abilities? Or do you need help in defining your ambitions? If you have answers to these questions, then it is recommended that you read on and watch the change you have been seeking to actualize. Abraham Lincoln said that in the end, it is not the years in your life that count, it is the life in your years.
You cannot decide to make a change if you don’t believe in change. In order to fully identify, unleash and utilize the potential in you, there are certain things which you must eliminate so as to achieve this feat. They are as follows:
Avoid comparison
Some people are often moved to compare themselves with others without reminding themselves of how unique they are. Always remember that there is only one you in this whole world and there can never be a duplicate of you. You are unique and special and your path to success can never be compared to those of others. Never compare yourself to others because it does more harm than good.
Eliminate fear
Fear of the unknown. Fear of failure. It is high time you dropped that part of you that reminds you how incapable you are. Fear can lock up the chances of unleashing your potentials. Believe that you can do it. Redefine failure as the inability to complete a new task at some point in time but a chance of learning better ways of carrying out that task.

This is a viral disease of horses and also affecting cattle and pigs. Sheep are resistant. It is characterized by development of vesicles in mouth and at times on feet.
It is caused by Arbovirus. Three strains of the virus are transmitted by mosquitoes mainly Aedes mosquitoes. Wild animals are reservoirs.
Morbidity is low about 5% and mortality is zero. It is mainly seen in north and South America. One or two cases have been reported in South Africa. There is seasonal incidence of the disease. It disappears during winter. Outbreaks are not extensive.
Clinical signs
There are vesicles on the tongue dorsum, dental pads and lips. Vesicles may or may not develop. There is excessive salivation. Lesions appear on the teat only when they are being milked. Foot lesions are rare in cattle. There is quick recovery after 3-4 days. Animals become bright and milking cows milk normally. In pigs, lameness is common. Vesicles may be present on the snout. In horses, lesions are limited on tongue and lips dorsum. Immunity lasts for 6 months and then wanes. Immunity after infection is absolutely solid.
Not necessary.
Do not introduce animals from infected area.
A live vaccine is available for protection. The disease does not occur in Nigeria.

The human brain is a complex organ that allows us to think, make, feel, see, hear, taste and smell. It controls the body, receives information, analyses information and stores information. The brain produces electrical impulses which together with chemical reactions let the parts of the body communicate. Nerves send these impulses all through the body. Although the brain is only 2% of the body’s weight, it receives 20% of the blood flow. The blood vessels supply the brain with oxygen and nourishment. It uses 20% of the oxygen supply.
Impact of health on intelligence
Health effects on intelligence have been described as being among the most important factors in the origins of human group differences in intelligence quotient (IQ) test scores and other measures of cognitive prowess.
Several factors can result in significant improvement such as:
Students who want to give their academic performance an extra advantage may want to consider what they eat. Good eating habit promotes physical well-being and academic health. Students with poor rated diet have been found to perform lower on standardized test and children who maintain a good balance diet perform better. These findings affirm that diet quality has a direct impact on academic performance. Nutrition and hydration are part of a foundation for healthy learning.
The brain requires nutrients like the heart, lungs and muscles. But which food is particularly important to keep the grey matter happy? They are as follows:
Beans and legumes: These are excellent sources of proteins. They contain carbohydrates to some extent. The carbohydrates are mixed with fiber that slows down absorption giving a steady supply of glucose for the brain without the likelihood of sugar spikes related to other sugar sources. Beans and legumes are also rich in folate, a B vitamin essential to the brain function.

Sexuality is an instinct imprinted into the genes of each living creature. Attraction to the opposite sex has been the major factor behind reproduction and survival of each species. Most of the species are born with only seasonal sexual needs. They couple and reproduce only within a limited time in a year.
Human beings have active sexual instincts all through their life right from the very day they discover their sexuality in pre-adulthood. This instinct has found to be overpowering the actual advancement gained over the past.
Sexuality is only sexuality for other animals. Humans have restricted forms of sexuality like premarital sexuality and extra-marital sexuality. The reason behind establishing this limitation is because humans live in a civilized society with standards of morality, values and cultural obligations. The society always clamors for mature relationships and mutual respect among her members. The aim of bringing in the sexual limitation is that each member of the society should be given respect and not regarded as instruments of satisfying lust.
What is premarital sexuality?
Though human being gains the physical and mental maturity of procreation at the beginning of puberty, he/she is qualified to marry and reproduce much later, may be after 18-20 years of age; and also the society insists that a sexual practice outside marriage is improper and illicit.
Premarital sexuality is any sexual activity with opposite sex partner before he/she has started a married life. The term is used to refer to the intercourse before the legal age/time of marriage.

Are you in full control of the direction your life is heading? Do you have a clear and inspiring concept of what you want to accomplish in the future? Are you actively taking steps to pursue your dreams?
If you are not, then you risk the chance of actualizing your dreams. If you put the course of your life in the hands of others, you may not achieve your dreams, you may not become what you want to become and not doing what you want to do.
You have to be proactive and change the way you think about your dreams. You have to take change because the only way you would activate your dream is to contemplate about where you want to go, plan to get there, and then start moving.
Personal development planning is a structured way of activating your dreams. One key step is for you to understand yourself so you can set meaningful goals.
Understand yourself
To understand yourself, you need to identify what you are good at. What you are not so good at and what opportunities you have at your disposal. These questions can be answered using the SWOT and PEST tools.
SWOT is a phrase for strength, weakness, opportunities and threats.
Your personal SWOT analysis will help you analyze and match your proficiencies and abilities to the opportunities existing within the environment.

The influence of hip-hop music and video on the Nigerian youths cannot be overemphasized. It has a negative effect in the sense that most of what is portrayed in typical hip-hop music videos are things that corrupt the minds of Nigerian youth negatively. Contemporary hip-hop music and videos also on regular cases if not in all, centers mainly on sexually related issues which can easily influence the mind of the Nigerian youths negatively.
Hip-hop has become a religion to many Nigerian youths. This assertion can further be verified in the mode of dressing among them. The mode of dressing among Nigerian youths is now undergoing some form of radical transformation especially among the high school and college boys and girls. Nowadays, girls prefer to wear skimpy dresses which will easily arouse the opposite sex and this can further lead to drastic measure such as rape.
Hip-hop video has a huge influence on promoting premarital sex among Nigerian youths. Although hip-hop music has had negative effects before, there can still be a positive impact. Some rare hip-hop music video preaches good conduct.
Undeniably, there are good listeners of good hip-hop music. It is nice to receive a genuine and meaningful message from hip-hop music.
It is not possible to do away with negative hip-hop music among the youths. What matters is the message it passes across to listeners. Hip-hop music should be meaningful and entertaining not in a way of showing nudity and using words that are rarely or totally not acceptable in the society.

Generally, people rush to drink water when they are thirsty, hot or after they have been physically active. These are good times to drink water but the best time is in the morning. First thing in the morning, that is, on an empty stomach. Drinking water always finds its way into any good conversation about health. Not only do the bodies comprise of 70% water, so is the earth and almost every living thing on earth. They all are 705 water and more. Water is necessary.
Water therapy is now involved in some healing circles. Essentially, it is the intake of a reasonable quantity of water after waking up in the morning on an empty stomach. This consists of up to 1.5 litres of water or more upon waking up. You should never break a fast with a starch or heavy carbohydrates. This is because some people do wake up and rush rice and stew with the mindset that they are doing the right thing, not knowing that the rice contains starch which also must undergo series of pathways to reach its final product and to do this, water is also needed in the system.
Liquids are the best to be used to break a fast, and water in the morning is the best bet to get some real great health benefits. Don’t compromise these effects by eating heavy meals before bed or by eating heavy meals upon waking up.
The following are some health benefits of taking morning water:
Early morning water intake helps to flush off toxins from the system through the bowels and will leave you with a glowing skin. It makes the skin hydrated and healthy.
It helps to flush and balance the lymphatic system which results in increased immunity thereby helping to fight a variety of illness.

Kidney disease is a dangerous disease that has to be averted. Kidney protection is necessary. Remember that health is wealth.
Few causes of kidney disease
Delay in going to toilet thereby keeping the bladder full for too long is bad. A full bladder can cause bladder damage. The urine that stays in the bladder increases bacteria quickly. When the urine refluxes back to the ureter and kidney, the toxic substances can result in kidney infections, urinary tract infections, nephritis and uraemia. When nature calls, do it as soon as possible.
Eating excess salt
You shout eat not more than 5.8g of iodized salt daily. Salt is not good for the kidney. Reduce the daily intake of iodized salt in any diet.
Eating excess meat
Too much protein in the diet is harmful to the kidneys. Protein digestion produces ammonia (a toxin that is very destructive to the kidneys). More meat consumption equals more kidney damage.
Drinking too much caffeine
Caffeine is a component of many soda and soft drinks. It increases the blood pressure and the kidney starts suffering. So you should cut down the amount taken.

This is an almost invariably fatal disease in cattle characterized by fever (high body temperature), weakness, keratitis, dejection, profuse ocular and nasal discharges and encrustation, drooling of saliva, photophobia, erosion and diphtheresis of mucous membranes, generalized lymphoadenopathy, skin lesions and occasional cystitis and nervous involvement. The pathological lesions which affect all organs and tissues are cellular infiltration, necrotizing vasculitis and superficial necrosis of epithelial and mucous surfaces. The pathogenesis of the disease is unknown. In certain parts of East, Central and South Africa, the disease arises due to cattle acquiring infection from clinically normal wilder beast. The causal agent in these areas is the herpes virus. In other parts of Africa and elsewhere in the world, the etiology has not yet been established. The reservoir host in other areas is the sheep but the evidence is not conclusive. The diagnosis is based on its clinical signs and pathological features. Occasionally, transmission may help to confirm the disease.

Image result for picture of education logo
Oh, how the mighty has fallen
Oh, how the society is sudden
The educated are frying
The uneducated are crying
Incredibly true, she is dying
Employers, stakeholders are sighing

Veritable instrument of development
Weapon of corruption and destruction
Young and old yearn for her
She gave birth to multifarious hypocrites

Certified ignoramuses reign
Wise fools abound your abode
White-washed instructors, your employees
Egocentric political miscreants, your policy makers

Represented today by colored pulp
But displayed by creativity
Claimed today by the plump
But glorified by ingenuity

Slaughtered by the authorities that be
Restored by the oppressed
In public hands you suffer
In private hands you prosper

Injured by impostors
Secured by investors
Bequeathed by colonial masters
Defeated by the political masters
Between the devil and deep blue sea
I am flabbergasted
To sign out for your notoriety
Or sign in for your popularity

Having brought me into authority
I vow to proclaim you with alacrity
Education, my weapon of dexterity


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