The human brain is a complex organ that allows us to think, make, feel, see, hear, taste and smell. It controls the body, receives information, analyses information and stores information. The brain produces electrical impulses which together with chemical reactions let the parts of the body communicate. Nerves send these impulses all through the body. Although the brain is only 2% of the body’s weight, it receives 20% of the blood flow. The blood vessels supply the brain with oxygen and nourishment. It uses 20% of the oxygen supply.
Impact of health on intelligence
Health effects on intelligence have been described as being among the most important factors in the origins of human group differences in intelligence quotient (IQ) test scores and other measures of cognitive prowess.
Several factors can result in significant improvement such as:
Students who want to give their academic performance an extra advantage may want to consider what they eat. Good eating habit promotes physical well-being and academic health. Students with poor rated diet have been found to perform lower on standardized test and children who maintain a good balance diet perform better. These findings affirm that diet quality has a direct impact on academic performance. Nutrition and hydration are part of a foundation for healthy learning.
The brain requires nutrients like the heart, lungs and muscles. But which food is particularly important to keep the grey matter happy? They are as follows:
Beans and legumes: These are excellent sources of proteins. They contain carbohydrates to some extent. The carbohydrates are mixed with fiber that slows down absorption giving a steady supply of glucose for the brain without the likelihood of sugar spikes related to other sugar sources. Beans and legumes are also rich in folate, a B vitamin essential to the brain function.
Nuts: Nuts especially walnuts and almonds are good for the brain and nervous system.
Red cabbage: Red cabbage contains polyphenols, an antioxidant which benefits the brain and heart. Red cabbage contains glucosinalates compounds which fight cancer.
Tomatoes: This contains lycopene, an antioxidant which combats dementia and enhances mood balances.
It is so awful that some Nigerian university students hardly sleep in the course of studying in order to pass a forthcoming examination and in some cases taking Nescafe which is very harmful to the body at long run. Sleep plays a role in good health. Getting enough quality sleep at the proper time help protect your mental health and physical health. The quality of life is improved and balance is also maintained. The damage from sleep deficiency occur in an instant or harm someone overtime. Sleep deficiency can increase the risk of chronic disease. It can affect the think faculty and capacity. When someone sleeps, the brain prepares for the next day. It forms pathway to help one remember information.
Regular exercise makes the brain to improve memory and thinking skills. According to research carried out in British Columbia University, researchers discovered that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart pumping, seems to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involve in verbal memory and learning. The benefit of exercise come directly from its ability to activate the release of growth factors, decrease insulin resistance, aids the growth of the new blood vessels in the brain, decrease puffiness and reduce chemicals in the brain affecting the health of the brain cells and sustains abundance and survival of new brain cells.
Meditation result in volume changes in major areas of the brain. In 2011, Sara Lazar and her team at Harvard found that conscious meditation can certainly change the brain structure. Eight weeks of mindfulness based stress decrease was found to raise cortical thickness in the hippocampus that controls memory and learning ability and in certain areas of the brain that plays roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing. One of the central advantages of meditation is that it enhances attention and concentration. Studies have found that meditation aids people focus and it enhances memory during verbal reasoning.
As these factors lead to a significant intellectual improvement, there are factors that result in intellectual impairment as well. They are smoking and alcohol.
Smoking thins the brain’s cortex causing long term damage to memory. Smoking has been found associated with numerous bodily dysfunctions like psychopathy, Alzheimer’s disease and in some cases schizophrenia.
The problems caused by alcohol misuse are together called alcohol related brain impairment. An individual with this impairment might encounter problems with memory linking related abilities and physical coordination. Alcohol can cause brain damage. Some alcohol related disorders include cerebellar atrophy and frontal lobe dysfunction.
Impact of health on intelligence
Health effects on intelligence have been described as being among the most important factors in the origins of human group differences in intelligence quotient (IQ) test scores and other measures of cognitive prowess.
Several factors can result in significant improvement such as:
Students who want to give their academic performance an extra advantage may want to consider what they eat. Good eating habit promotes physical well-being and academic health. Students with poor rated diet have been found to perform lower on standardized test and children who maintain a good balance diet perform better. These findings affirm that diet quality has a direct impact on academic performance. Nutrition and hydration are part of a foundation for healthy learning.
The brain requires nutrients like the heart, lungs and muscles. But which food is particularly important to keep the grey matter happy? They are as follows:
Beans and legumes: These are excellent sources of proteins. They contain carbohydrates to some extent. The carbohydrates are mixed with fiber that slows down absorption giving a steady supply of glucose for the brain without the likelihood of sugar spikes related to other sugar sources. Beans and legumes are also rich in folate, a B vitamin essential to the brain function.
Nuts: Nuts especially walnuts and almonds are good for the brain and nervous system.
Red cabbage: Red cabbage contains polyphenols, an antioxidant which benefits the brain and heart. Red cabbage contains glucosinalates compounds which fight cancer.
Tomatoes: This contains lycopene, an antioxidant which combats dementia and enhances mood balances.
It is so awful that some Nigerian university students hardly sleep in the course of studying in order to pass a forthcoming examination and in some cases taking Nescafe which is very harmful to the body at long run. Sleep plays a role in good health. Getting enough quality sleep at the proper time help protect your mental health and physical health. The quality of life is improved and balance is also maintained. The damage from sleep deficiency occur in an instant or harm someone overtime. Sleep deficiency can increase the risk of chronic disease. It can affect the think faculty and capacity. When someone sleeps, the brain prepares for the next day. It forms pathway to help one remember information.
Regular exercise makes the brain to improve memory and thinking skills. According to research carried out in British Columbia University, researchers discovered that regular aerobic exercise, the kind that gets your heart pumping, seems to boost the size of the hippocampus, the brain area involve in verbal memory and learning. The benefit of exercise come directly from its ability to activate the release of growth factors, decrease insulin resistance, aids the growth of the new blood vessels in the brain, decrease puffiness and reduce chemicals in the brain affecting the health of the brain cells and sustains abundance and survival of new brain cells.
Meditation result in volume changes in major areas of the brain. In 2011, Sara Lazar and her team at Harvard found that conscious meditation can certainly change the brain structure. Eight weeks of mindfulness based stress decrease was found to raise cortical thickness in the hippocampus that controls memory and learning ability and in certain areas of the brain that plays roles in emotion regulation and self-referential processing. One of the central advantages of meditation is that it enhances attention and concentration. Studies have found that meditation aids people focus and it enhances memory during verbal reasoning.
As these factors lead to a significant intellectual improvement, there are factors that result in intellectual impairment as well. They are smoking and alcohol.
Smoking thins the brain’s cortex causing long term damage to memory. Smoking has been found associated with numerous bodily dysfunctions like psychopathy, Alzheimer’s disease and in some cases schizophrenia.
The problems caused by alcohol misuse are together called alcohol related brain impairment. An individual with this impairment might encounter problems with memory linking related abilities and physical coordination. Alcohol can cause brain damage. Some alcohol related disorders include cerebellar atrophy and frontal lobe dysfunction.
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