The expectations and conflicts
The society expects a lot from the doctor. The doctor is the magician who is always present to soothe her pains, treat her sicknesses and manage the terminally ill to an honourable and compassionate exit. The family is the bedrock and foundation upon which societies, communities and nations are built. Family makes demands which often run contrary to the doctor’s schedule. Spouses demand attention, love and matrimonial consummation; children demand parental love, care and attention and close monitoring in their growing up years. What happens when the diligent doctor is either too tired or too busy to satisfy these legitimate demands of family life? What happens when the female doctor marries a man who demands that his meals must be prepared by his wife and must be served within a specific time? There is therefore a real conflict between the doctor’s work, family, society’s expectations and demands.
Striking a balance
Understanding is a fountain (well spring) of life to him who has it (proverb 16:22). The key in striking a balance, in my opinion, lies in understanding, wisdom, discipline, dialogue and God’s help. As doctors (human doctors and animal/veterinary doctors), we need to understand who we are, where our strengths lie and when to firmly take a stand. An overworked and tired doctor is a danger to patients and the society. Wisdom and understanding can help in choosing spouses, etc. Dialogue and discipline will not only help keep us on the narrow path, they will help nip emerging challenges in the bud as we seek to strike the delicate balance we need. Beyond all of these, we need the help of God for wisdom, strength, understanding and discipline.
Medicine is a calling; a time-honoured profession. Doctors will continually play a vital role in every society’s match to greatness. We can no longer stand aloof separated from the society but must integrate and foster her understanding of our unique issues. As you step out to take on a new world beckoning with challenges and opportunities, may God, the rock of generations of doctors in ages past be your hope in the years to come and to all other professions likewise.