The word purpose has been interchangeably used with mission, destiny or life assignment. The truth of the matter is that everyone created here on earth has a purpose why he/she is created. Everything is made by God for a purpose. There is a reason why you are born and until you discover it and fulfill it, life has no meaning, it becomes meaningless. Purpose is the reason for being. It explains destiny or assignment. God made everybody to accomplish something. Nobody comes into the world by accident. Nobody was born by mistake. Purpose is the source of fulfillment. There is no fulfillment in life until you are able to discover why (purpose) you were created and accomplish it. The theory of evolution is the greatest ever told because man didn’t just evolve from something. The orderliness of creation will simply teach us that there is a purpose for the creation of things by God. Life without purpose is useless because you will not have direction in life, the person ends up doing things just because he/she saw people doing it without a reason for doing that very thing.
This is the greatest problem with many people especially youths these days, they just wake up one day and begin to pursue a career or business or work outside their purpose in life and you see them end up being frustrated in life. Anyone without a purpose in life is like an animal because animals do eventually everything than an average human being does. They look for food, get shelter, marry and have children but what distinguishes humans from animals is that humans are higher animals and unique if purpose is fulfilled.
Knowledge is power. If you get the right information, you will be transformed. If you are not informed, you will be deformed. The Bible says that people perish for lack of knowledge (Hosea 4:6) and John 8:32 says that one will only be free when the person has known the truth.
For instance, volks wagon car was made in order to be able to carry soldiers across the desert because they don’t need a vehicle that will need much water because carrying water along the desert will be a problem to them. So purpose influences design, remove low self-esteem whether fat or short, slim or tall etc. Be very happy the way you are because you are created according to your purpose.
Benefits of knowing purpose and fulfillment
Purpose gives meaning to life. This explains your existence. The Lord Jesus Christ has a purpose of coming (1 John 3:8). Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly (John 10:10).
Purpose gives fulfillment in life. This explains satisfaction in all rounds. Wealth, marriage, drinks etc cannot give anybody fulfillment. They are not the reason why you are created. This is why some people after having wealth, getting married still search for fulfillment in life.
Purpose gives direction in life. It helps to guide and shape life. You don’t go anywhere like stray animal.
It gives sense of time and saves time. Knowing your purpose in life makes your journey easier and faster. Time is precious.
Purpose disciplines. It improves character. It also makes your vision actualized.
Purpose gives focus in life. A man without purpose has no focus. It helps to keep someone in check. Some people live carelessly because they have no purpose.
A man with purpose is protected and kept from danger and death.
Purpose determines wealth. Purpose opens doors of blessing unto you. (Jeremiah 29:11-14).
Purpose helps your relationship with God and to know how to relate with God on a daily basis.
Purpose influences and determines your relationship with human beings. It tells you the kind of people you will relate with especially those on the same course (purpose) with you.
Purpose can bring fame. It reveals ones gift and talents.
It helps you to carefully and wisely choose your career and work. For example, if your purpose is to take care of the sick, there’s no need to waste time in studying Arts or social science course or career.
How to discover purpose in life
There are two broad ways:
Supernaturally, find out from your creator. The Bible says seek first the kingdom of God and its righteousness and every other thing shall be added unto you. Make peace with God, accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, study your Bible and pray. The purpose of your creation will be manifested to you.
Naturally, look closely at your talents. Check your passion in life.
Seek and know your purpose and run with it for it is life.